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Star5 qty Good
ver...@ Works well on my skin. Recommend it to anyone want to try

Posted on 23-01-03 Recommend
Star4 qty it work as it describe. function well.
tek...@ it work as it describe. function well.

Posted on 23-01-02 Recommend
Star4 qty it work as it describe. function well.
rat...@ it work as it describe. function well.

Posted on 22-12-30 Recommend
Star4 qty it work as it describe. function well.
rat...@ it work as it describe. function well.

Posted on 22-12-30 Recommend
Star5 qty So nice
cva...@ Will definitely buy again! The honey mask smelled and felt great. The only downside was that my skin was a bit sticky afterwards, but it wasn’t terrible. I think this is a good mask overall.
Posted on 22-12-27 Recommend

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