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Star4 qty Uhmmm
aes...@ Not really sure if i hate it but it does break me out i have combination skin with redness
Posted on 25-01-18 Recommend
Star1 qty bad
mam...@ It's bad for me, but I think because I have combination skin and have strong blackheads and pimples, I think it's only suitable for normal skin.
Posted on 25-01-16 Recommend
Star5 qty Skin care
sla...@ Love it. My face is changing with this products. It's like a new face
Posted on 25-01-09 Recommend
Star4 qty مختلطه
man...@ شريته مرتين وبرجع اخذه المره الثالثه لانه خفيف بس بنفس الوقت ينظف بشرتي مختلطه كل مااستخدمت غسول ارجع مرا ثانيه له
Posted on 25-01-06 Recommend
Star5 qty super great
kri...@ it’s an awesome cleanser for people with combination skin as an oily skin person. I don’t think it’s the best but yes, it is helpful because it contains salcylic acid. Which is such a helpful Ingredient.
Posted on 25-01-06 Recommend

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