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Star4 qty Loosens blackheads
Raq...@ My son has oily and large pores skin. He added this product to his routine and I have noticed how his fave looks more clear and stays clear.
Posted on 25-03-08 Recommend
Star5 qty Exfoliante.
nvz...@ Me encanta la textura de este ácido salicilico y como me deja la piel en cuanto a textura me ayuda muchísimo, lo utilizo dos veces a la semana y lo amo
Posted on 25-02-26 Recommend
Star5 qty Great for acne prone skin
ele...@ Great to have acne under control. But make sure you use sun screen :)
Posted on 25-02-02 Recommend
Star4 qty للرؤوس السوداء
Sam...@ للرؤوس السوداء بس سائل استخدمه مرتين بالاسبوع
Posted on 25-01-11 Recommend
Star5 qty احببته هذا المنتج


Posted on 25-01-07 Recommend

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