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Star4 qty Foam
sre...@ I bought it for my friend and she love it. Now she is order for new one

Posted on 22-01-05 Recommend
Star5 qty good well
sun...@ 저렴하고 산뜻하게 클렌징되네요 얼굴도 하얘진것같아요 굿
Posted on 21-11-28 Recommend
Star5 qty My all time favorite cleanser!
Kim...@ This cleanser works like magic. It really help to reduce my oil secretion throughout the day and it also smell great. I'm on my third tube and I 100% recommend this cleanser!

Posted on 20-11-04 Recommend
Star5 qty Super Gentle!
eve...@ I love how gentle it is and how it really reduces my pores
Posted on 20-06-02 Recommend
Star5 qty vnnice color thank youvnnice color thank you
mum...@ vnnice color thank youvnnice color thank you

Posted on 20-01-17 Recommend

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