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Star3 qty Ehh
Hei...@ I liked using this until halfway. I don't like the oily film when I use this and it doesn't really make sense to have that sense most acne prone skin also has oily skin.

Posted on 24-12-03 Recommend
Star5 qty My skin looks so much better
iva...@ It addresses so many issues with my skin. Aging, dryness, pigmentation. Def recommend.
Posted on 24-11-30 Recommend
Star5 qty قههققههقهق
faj...@ قنقهقهقهقهق عقعقهقهقه تقتقتق هقعقهقهق عقعقععقتق هقهقتق

Posted on 24-11-27 Recommend
Star5 qty faves
pao...@ one of my fave serums, love the consistency, feels great on my face
Posted on 24-11-20 Recommend
Star5 qty Serum
chh...@ I like it so much. I used it along years and my skin now glow
Posted on 24-11-07 Recommend

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