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Star3 qty الصراحه ماادري
Cut...@ شريت السيت اللي يكون صغير وبالبدايه جااااااااازلي وخلي بشرتي قلوي ومافيها حبوب وحييييل شكلها حلو / لمن شريت المنتجات كلهم السايز الكبير صار العكس تماما بشرتي صارت فيها حبوب وحاجز بشرتي تدمر وصار فيني اثار حبوب بعد ف شويت زعلت لان حسبالي بيكون تمام ويناسب ، خليت اختي تجربهم وهم صار لها نفس المشكله فماادري هل عشان بشرتي تعودت عليه او في سبب ثاني الله اعلم وبس
Posted on 24-08-06 Recommend
Star4 qty .
ena...@ I didn't try it yet but I heard alot of good comments

Posted on 24-07-27 Recommend
Star5 qty Good
mor...@ I like this product a lot, my face feels less oily when I used it, I see a lot of difference even if I don't use it daily
Posted on 24-07-21 Recommend
Star4 qty It’s ok
c.c...@ It’s an okay product for me I don’t hate it but also I don’t like it. I don’t see any result other than hydration

Posted on 24-07-16 Recommend
Star5 qty Really good serum :)
eli...@ The serum is super good! It’s a cool green color, and idrk if this is like bad for sensitive skin but it does have a scent to it that kinda smells floraly?? You DO have to shake it up a bit before use cuz there’s like an oily part to it, it looks like?? But it doesn't even really require too much arm strength, but yeah awesome product imo ‼️

Posted on 24-07-09 Recommend

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