It's good |
gal...@ |
it helps with the scarring but i don't really like the texture of the cream. it leaves a layer
Posted on 22-09-06
is fading |
Cha...@ |
Use at the last stage of skin care.
I took a small amount and apply onto my two hyperpigmentation spots (or I saw reviews some people does on the entire face) thinly. The star brightening ingredient is the tranexamic acid, and after few weeks of usage only at night, I am optimistic to say the spots looks a bit brighter (still a long way to go)
Posted on 22-09-06
Melanon X Cream |
Gam...@ |
This helps with reducing pigmentation and dark spot. It also helps with redness in the skin.
Posted on 22-09-04
Takes time |
Men...@ |
Only used it for 1 week. Not much results so far but I suspect it will take a while. Will try the whole tube before deciding if it's worth buying again. #rsg
Posted on 22-09-03
Melanon X Cream |
lis...@ |
I bought this for my mom. To reduce pigmentation and dark spot.
Posted on 22-09-02