A must for oily skin people! |
can...@ |
Posted on 22-07-29
Love the watery texture |
xom...@ |
Very watery, gel-like texture. I love that it is light I use it for when my skin isn't so chapped and only needs a little bit of moisture. Compared to Neutrogena hydro boost, I'd have to choose atopalm any day. I will definitely be coming back for more.
Posted on 22-07-27
Gel Lotion For Oily Skin Body Friendly |
aco...@ |
If you want to use a lotion with a mild formula on the skin, gel lotion can be the solution. This lotion is very comfortable to use when the weather is hot sun, because it doesn't feel sticky on the skin, it gives a cool sensation when used but still feels moist
Posted on 22-07-27
Soothes Dry Skin |
naf...@ |
I love Atopalm products and I've been using them for several years now. I've been using this Atopalm soothing gel lotion for a while now. My dry skin really drinks this product. It has a gel texture with a slightly sweet scent to it. I apply it on my dry skin after washing my face or after shower and it really smooths out my skin. I like that it has safe ingredients. It's a must have if you have dry skin.
Posted on 22-07-26
Shooting gel lotion Atopalm |
Yas...@ |
- Di formulasikan untuk kulit berminyak
- tekstur gel yang mudah menyerap di kulit
- aku juga menggunakan di wajah yang memberikan efek glowing
- untuk packaging nya bagus dan higienis
Posted on 22-07-25