Me encanta |
cel...@ |
Despues de dos semanas de uso comence a ver resultados, la apariencia de mi piel va mejorando cada vez mas
Posted on 23-11-10
Love this |
ilb...@ |
Would totally buy again, whenever I feel like my skin needs a restart, this is my go to.
Posted on 23-11-09
I recommend it |
Sha...@ |
I already finished one bottle and it is my second one.
It will leave your skin fresh and breathing.
Posted on 23-09-07
Definitely not magic in a bottle |
hon...@ |
When I first purchased the this I was super excited to try it out and I was honestly sold when I read the reviews etc the marketing team has done a great job at making us believe in the impossible. I tried this and instantly my skin started itching and I felt a bit of a burning sensation so I washed it off as soon as possible, it was wayyyy too rough on my combination/sensitive skin. This probably works for acne prone and oily skin but it’s too much for anything other than that.

Posted on 23-08-21
fun |
hun...@ |
this is cute and fun to use but it doesn't work if your pore are thick like rock. it does smell good and not dry out your skin but will not buy again.
Posted on 23-08-01