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Star5 qty Dr. Jart teatreement toner
far...@ Este tónico es muy bueno para el acné y absorber el exceso de grasa cierra los poros y secas las pústulas grandes ayuda a mi dejar cicatrices

Posted on 24-07-20 Recommend
Star4 qty Very strong
ery...@ This is good but I don’t think I could use it more than once a week because it is strong. Like to use it as a spot treatment with a qtip on pimples
Posted on 24-06-29 Recommend
Star5 qty Toner
kan...@ This toner is good at moisturizing and soothing. Smells as medicine for me huh
Posted on 24-06-16 Recommend
Star5 qty Oily skin
eli...@ Good for oily skin and prevent from acne I use it whenever I feel oily and PMS

Posted on 24-05-22 Recommend
Star5 qty great
dan...@ great for acne prone skin. must buy!
Posted on 23-12-21 Recommend

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