go-to acne toner |
my....@ |
i really think tea tree is magic. i use this in the summer mostly when i'm more oily and a hydrating toner from Dr. jart in the winter.
Posted on 20-09-12
favorite toner in the summer |
my....@ |
this is my go-to morning toner in the summer when my skin is oily and more prone to breakouts. i use a different more hydrating toner in the winter bc i don't break out much then but for the summer: 10/10 on this product! i put it in a little spray bottle and mist my face then rub it in a little with a reusable bamboo pad.
Posted on 20-09-12
Easily became one of my favorite toners |
sar...@ |
I love Dr. Jart products and this is one of them. Such a good toner, I felt clean but never felt like it stripped the moisture of my face. Only thing is that I felt like it didn't reduce my redness as much as I had hoped.
Posted on 20-07-15
Its so good |
mar...@ |
the product is very enhancing <3 love it
Posted on 20-05-06
A staple for that time of month |
van...@ |
I love this and teatree helps with blemishes especially during your monthly visit from aunt flo. Does a good job of keeping my hormonal breakouts at bay.

Posted on 20-05-03