Really Nice |
gra...@ |
This is a really nice ampoule. I purchased this product because of the rave reviews that I had on social media. It was nice using this product, but I don't think that it's out of this world. I have nothing against this product and I would consider repurchasing it, but I didn't blow my mind away. However, if you are curious to try this out, I would still give it a shot.
Posted on 20-04-30
opinion |
nhu...@ |

Posted on 20-04-08
love propolis |
Joa...@ |
propolis ampoule are favourites
Posted on 20-02-27
vnnice color thank youvnnice color thank you |
mum...@ |
vnnice color thank youvnnice color thank you
Posted on 20-02-22
vnnice color thank youvnnice color thank you |
mum...@ |
vnnice color thank youvnnice color thank you
Posted on 20-02-22