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Star4 qty Intrigued
min...@ Didn't try it yet but I have high hope from it as I have oily skin type.

Posted on 22-12-10 Recommend
Star5 qty Sebum Control Facial Cream
sen...@ ខ្ញុំ​មាន​ប្រភេទ​ស្បែក​ខ្លាញ់ ហើយ​រន្ធ​ញើស​របស់​ខ្ញុំ​ក៏​ដូច​ជា .... សង្ឃឹម​ថា​វានិងធ្វើអោយរន្ធញើសខ្ញុំកាន់តែរួមតូចមកវិញ
Posted on 22-10-17 Recommend
Star5 qty G
Son...@ This is one of my favorite products, the texture is very great and I love the scent too, it is also very moisturizing

Posted on 22-10-07 Recommend
Star5 qty Sebum cream
pjy...@ This cream really to control sebum perfect

Posted on 22-09-01 Recommend
Star3 qty So
jap...@ I don't see much difference after use.
Posted on 22-05-04 Recommend

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