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Star5 qty Holy Grail
eng...@ This is one of the products that has saved my hair and helped me when it started falling out. I was almost bold and my hair became so then that I was so depressed and didn’t know what to do. This tonic helped with my hair growth with no irritation or side affects. I use it everyday now and will continue to use it.
Posted on 25-01-17 Recommend
Star4 qty My opinion
ata...@ Another tik tok recommendation

Posted on 24-12-15 Recommend
Star5 qty Amazing
X__...@ This root enhancer is a stable in my hair care

Posted on 24-10-20 Recommend
Star5 qty niceeee

still trying but it gives refreshing feeling

Posted on 24-10-11 Recommend
Star5 qty ......................
ivy...@ Still didnt see any results I used it once or twice but it smells good and its cooling my scalp

Posted on 24-10-06 Recommend

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