Holy grail |
jud...@ |
im so happy that i came across with this cleanser. this skincare product is by far the longest that im using for more than a year now. its very foamy and after washing my face it felt so clean and refreshing! since i used this cleanser i did not have severe acne as before. and i feel that it restore the ph balance of my skin. its not oily now. this is for keeps. i tried a lot of cleanser before but it does not suit me. Affordable price is a plus.
Posted on 23-04-26
Good |
sso...@ |
Love it love it love it love it love it love it love it
Posted on 23-04-07
Best product quality when I used to my face |
sok...@ |
Best product quality when I used to my face...
Posted on 23-03-18
Good Good |
ing...@ |
I love love love love
Posted on 23-03-15
Holy grail |
jud...@ |
im so happy that i came across with this cleanser. this skincare product is by far the longest that im using for more than a year now. its very foamy and after washing my face it felt so clean and refreshing! since i used this cleanser i did not have severe acne as before. and i feel that it restore the ph balance of my skin. its not oily now. this is for keeps. i tried a lot of cleanser before but it does not suit me. Affordable price is a plus
Posted on 23-03-07