Save my damaged skin |
kik...@ |
I recently went a little too crazy with trying new things and before I knew it my skin was pretty raw, especially after cleansing. It was red and I think I messed up my skin barrier. I used this and a snail peptide cream to just really moisterize heavily and the next morning, I thought the redness had looked better. Very soft feeling skin. Doesn't leave the face sticky like the snail cream does too so you can definitely use it on its own for a final moisterizer too.
Posted on 24-06-05
ما ناسبني |
mri...@ |
بشرتي مختلطة تميل للجفاف و حساسة استخدمت الكريم بعد جلسة تقشير كونه يهدي البشره بس ما كان قد التوقعات + ما رطب بشرتي ممكن يناسب البشره الدهينة اهو صاير جل اكثر من انه كريم
Posted on 24-05-06
Amazing |
She...@ |
Amazing product, highly recommended
Posted on 24-05-06
Really moist |
kir...@ |
I regret not buying the larger version of this product
Posted on 24-05-03
Cream |
mas...@ |
Did not use it yet, i hope it is good and i hope i will like it like aother products from the same line
Posted on 24-04-25