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Star3 qty Decent taste
lli...@ As a person working in the medical field, sometime I don't get enough time to take a proper meal. So this pouch-like substance is a good for my on-the-go. The flavor is not bad, I tried milk and water. I would say I prefer water. It does not count as a decent meal but for a quick energy boost, this is not bad.

Posted on 22-06-13 Recommend
Star4 qty good product not regret purchasing at all. love it
rat...@ good product not regret purchasing at all. love it

Posted on 22-05-09 Recommend
Star5 qty Great
sou...@ Nice packaging and taste good

Posted on 22-04-29 Recommend
Star5 qty good
s2l...@ tastes good like korean shake.. would repurchase

Posted on 22-04-28 Recommend

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