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Star4 qty Very good
ree...@ Nice cleansing balm Removes makeup very easily

Posted on 24-05-08 Recommend
Star5 qty Pigmentation
bat...@ I really like this product makes my skin feel healthy
Posted on 24-05-04 Recommend
Star5 qty Great consistency
rac...@ Melts into the skin quickly, no irritating, hasn't caused me to break out. Seems to do a decent job w/ clearing out my pores even after only a few days of using it. Lots of product too, so should last a long time because you only need maybe half of the spatula for your whole face.
Posted on 24-04-25 Recommend
Star5 qty Really good!
she...@ Takes of my sunscreen and oil really well and feels very nice. A little goes a long way
Posted on 24-04-14 Recommend
Star5 qty No smelly smell
tri...@ No fragrance so ideal for my sensitive folks. It's a balm; there's not much else to say if you know how cleansing balms work.
Posted on 24-04-08 Recommend

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