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Star5 qty 111!!!
ana...@ I apply 2 layers of this toner at night, it is a milk consistency and very hydrating I have combo acne prone skin and this helped calm my red acne and help my barrier without breaking me out

Posted on 25-02-26 Recommend
Star5 qty Excellent
asm...@ 100% i recommend! Very moisturizing and hydrating
Posted on 25-02-25 Recommend
Star5 qty My opinion
Bin...@ Great for using with gua sha smoothing it while massaging

Posted on 25-02-22 Recommend
Star5 qty Incredible!
run...@ So effective in everything it is touted to do! Amazing, I hope this product never gets discontinued.
Posted on 25-02-22 Recommend
Star5 qty اعشقه
h_a...@ يرطب يعالج يجنن قوامه حلو يرطب ويسوي كل شي مره احبه وحبيته وايه ثقيل شووي على البشره الدهنية
Posted on 25-02-22 Recommend

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