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Star4 qty Numbuzin 5 serum
mas...@ Nice, smells good, thick for serum I did not like the backaging because the serum is thick, when i press the pottle, the serum goes everywhere

Posted on 23-11-08 Recommend
rub...@ If you are consistent with this product you will see a major difference on how even your skin Tone becomes and how fast past acne scars fade so quickly! This is my 5th time buying this blemish serum and recommend to anyone and everyone :) I have very acne prone skin and this was very sensitive on me and didn’t cause any acne to occur

Posted on 23-11-07 Recommend
Star4 qty Skeptical
fat...@ I don’t feel like it did much for my pigmentation. I would see some fade but I would other and it would take time to see a difference.
Posted on 23-11-04 Recommend
Star5 qty Numbuzin No. 5 serum
lan...@ I love the Numbuzin line! I have the toner and the No. 3 and No. 5 serums and love them all! The consistency is real nice going on your skin.

Posted on 23-10-29 Recommend
Star5 qty Good
tan...@ - Contains 2% of Vitamin B5 (Panthenol) and Vitamin E (Tocopherol) to soothe sensitive skin - Contains yellow vitamin capsules to provide deep hydration to skin without leaving any sticky feeling

Posted on 23-10-26 Recommend

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