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Star5 qty Супер
09....@ Отличная текстура , и есть видимый эффект, после месячного использования

Posted on 24-06-01 Recommend
Star2 qty There are better options than this product
bou...@ I did not notice any difference when using this serum Maybe because I haven't used it for a long time It caused irritation to my skin so I stopped using it

Posted on 24-03-20 Recommend
Star5 qty Easy to incorporate in my skincare routine
gla...@ I just adore this gentle serum that really makes a difference in the quality and look of my skin. I have been using it daily and I see a definitive difference.
Posted on 24-02-22 Recommend
Star2 qty Serum
bri...@ En lo personal no vio ningún cambio en mi piel Hay mejores opciones
Posted on 24-01-23 Recommend
Star4 qty nice
nik...@ i like it, feels great. would reccomend
Posted on 23-12-30 Recommend

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