Good |
khy...@ |
it’s a very good product i really love it. it suits my skin. i can say that this is the best korean product i use so far. i’d recommend this to my family n friends.
Posted on 22-07-13
Not con-bean-cing |
jea...@ |
So it really didn't help with hair loss, made my hair somehow dry and the mint/cool sensation is the only good perk.
Posted on 21-08-18
Soothing |
ane...@ |
soothing for the scalp. i like it
Posted on 21-05-24
Damaged my hair |
kun...@ |
I had high hopes for this shampoo because black bean is supposedly good for your hair. It has a strong peppermint smell which I did not expect this shampoo to have. I used this for a month straight and my hair became thinner and thinner. I switched back to my old shampoo and my hair definitely went back to normal. I don't recommend this at all.
Posted on 21-04-25
Seems fine |
cho...@ |
No idea if this is actually living up to claims but it is a huge bottle, so bang for the buck.
Posted on 21-03-07