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Star5 qty Great serum
Sca...@ Jumiso All Day Pure C 5.5 Serum is a game-changer in the fight against dark spots. The clinical proof of a 30% reduction in dark spots is evident in my own experience. The serum’s powerful antioxidant properties, boosted L-Ascorbic Acid, efficiently faded dark spots, giving my skin a more even tone. Following the suggested use, after cleanser and toner, I noticed that incorporating this serum into my routine was a gradual process. The initial purging or peeling was expected, but the continuous usage significantly improved my skin’s overall tone and texture. I appreciated the emphasis on a patch test for first-timers, ensuring a smooth integration into my skincare routine. With consistent use, this serum has become a reliable ally in achieving brighter, more radiant skin.
Posted on 24-01-20 Recommend
Star5 qty good product to try, love it so much
chh...@ good product to try, love it so much
Posted on 24-01-19 Recommend
Star5 qty I have ordered for my customer so can't really say…
say...@ I have ordered for my customer so can't really say how it is. Seems like a good product and it must be hyped up for a reason.

Posted on 24-01-19 Recommend
Star4 qty in process
rag...@ للحين ما جربته بس اكيد فيتامين سي يعني حلو (استغفرالله ، لاحول ولاقوة الا بالله ، الله اكبر ، لا اله الا الله ، سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم)

Posted on 24-01-18 Recommend
Star4 qty meh for me
Pea...@ good ingredients! but it turns to oxidised so early! sighh. but i love the scent and the texture tho
Posted on 24-01-16 Recommend

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