افضل كريم ترطيب جربتة يفتح ويعطي لمعه |
Elv...@ |
كريم 3 في واحد جميل يستحق التجربه يعطي لمعه جميلة
Posted on 24-10-07
Jus...@ |
My skin is very sensitive and prone to pimples and I heard recommendations that this cream is very good for it. I am still trying it, but I will say that it moisturizes the skin wonderfully, but my skin is sensitive to it
Posted on 24-10-07
Pigmentation |
3nd...@ |
I bought this to fade my dark spots oand to hydrate, it didn’t really hydrate my skin good maybe i got bombo to dry skin ? And for dark spots it did nothing .
Posted on 24-10-07
Amazing |
ste...@ |
I haven't had a new pimple when putting this on its so good so far it's working well on my oily/sensitive skin♡♡♡♡
Posted on 24-10-06
Wonderful cream |
ton...@ |
A fantastic moisturizer that hydrates without feeling heavy. Its gel formula is refreshing and ideal for oily and combination skin
Posted on 24-10-06