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Star5 qty Emocionada por probarlo
tha...@ Primera vez que implementaré en mi rutina un toner, elegi este por las reseñas que es super hidratante y no comedogenico
Posted on 25-02-05 Recommend
Star5 qty Best
chh...@ I really really really love these product so so much!!! Absolutely amazing! Obsessed!
Posted on 25-02-02 Recommend
Star5 qty I would recommend
jen...@ this is a good product, it works well with my skin

Posted on 25-01-21 Recommend
Star5 qty ماخذه المني
man...@ وبرجع اخذ الكبير حلو للبشره المختلطه ماسبب لي شي بس فيه تقشير خفيف حلوو للاسخدام اليومي
Posted on 25-01-06 Recommend
Star4 qty Good
mon...@ I like to use it when i travel it helps to hydrate yet slightly exfoliate

Posted on 25-01-02 Recommend

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