ترطيب |
Mar...@ |
تونر يعطي ترطيب جميل هذا الحجم مناسب اما الاحجام الاخرى كبيره جداً
Posted on 24-08-24
Nice |
iva...@ |
Nice toner from Round Lab - it’s very lightweight and it doesn’t leave your skin oily
Posted on 24-08-19
Nice toner |
ast...@ |
I have only used it for a few days and it feels quite good, will update if there is anything new.
Posted on 24-07-29
بشرتي جافه حساسه |
Mal...@ |
خفيف على البشره وترطيبه حلو يدوم لساعات طويله والاهم انه مايحسس بالبشره او يسبب حبوب، ارجع اشتريه مره ثانيه
Posted on 24-07-22
Best |
che...@ |
I really really really love these product so so much!!! Absolutely amazing! Obsessed!
Posted on 24-07-20