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Star5 qty LOVED IT

Posted on 24-06-15 Recommend
Star5 qty First time
Rag...@ First time ordering this product. I hope to see results quickly

Posted on 24-06-13 Recommend
Star4 qty Always Gotta Have a Retinol
Nay...@ I always stand by using a retinol at least once every week or two weeks. When I do use it it's only at night and the next morning when I wake up I can see a difference in my skin since it looks very plump and smoothed out without any fine lines.
Posted on 24-06-04 Recommend
Star4 qty النسبة جيدة
Nba...@ كان من الصعب العثور على ريتينول ضمن المنتجات الكورية، ربما لان الكوريين لا يستخدمونه ،و يعتمدون على اشياء اخرى مضادة للشيخوخة، اخترت هذه الشركة لانني وجدت مدح كبير على منتجاتها الاخرى ، ساقوم بالتجربة و اتمنى ان تكون النتائج ممتازة لان التركيز خفيف

Posted on 24-06-02 Recommend
Star5 qty Amazing Product
Jaz...@ An excellent retinol serum! This product has visibly reduced my fine lines and improved skin texture. It’s potent but gentle enough not to cause irritation. My skin looks smoother and more youthful. Highly recommend for anyone looking to add retinol to their routine.
Posted on 24-05-30 Recommend

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