Good |
lwl...@ |
I like it a lot it does not irritate the skin and veryyyyyyyyyyyy goooooooooooooood
Posted on 25-03-12
احبه مره |
Jin...@ |
من اجمل كريمات العيون اللي حربتها يمكن هذي ثالث علبه اشتريها
Posted on 25-03-02
كريم عين مرطب |
dha...@ |
رووووووعه لترطيب تحت العين مرطب عالي الترطيب . يمحي الخطوط الدقيقه ويناسب جميع أنواع البشره لا يجود عطور
Posted on 25-02-28
Sooo Goooooooooood! |
eha...@ |
If you are a beginner in eye creams this is reeeeeeeallyyyyyyyyy soooo goooood and gentle product to begin with!!!Helps me alot with dryness and gives me brightness effect with Continue in using it!! Love ittt
Posted on 25-02-28
I loved the product soo much alll the product of s… |
nan...@ |
I loved the product soo much alll the product of style korean are amazing I loved the product soo much alll the product of style korean are amazing
Posted on 25-02-20