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Star5 qty Really moisturizing
eve...@ Feels really moisturizing on the skin. Would recommend for dry skin
Posted on 23-02-02 Recommend
Star5 qty moistruiser
sha...@ the best moisturiser hands down for dry skin, its extremely hydrating but will not be suitable for oily skin
Posted on 23-01-27 Recommend
Star5 qty A necessity for the winter!
sta...@ The best winter time cream to incorporate into your routine; it is very moisturizing and rich, which helps to replenish and protect your skin from harsh winter winds and weather. Very happy to have found it this year! No scent, easily absorbed and gives you a nice glow

Posted on 23-01-11 Recommend
Star4 qty Moisturizing
yus...@ This is definetly a thicker cream, I dont use it that much because personally I think the consistency is too thick for me, but on nights when my skin is really dry, its a nice added layer
Posted on 23-01-05 Recommend
Star5 qty The best for a reason
Gem...@ I feel like I've reviewed this product quite a few times now. It's definitely an item I will continue to reorder. Love that style Korean has regular sales and the shipping is fast with great customer service. This is the best cream on the market to repair the skin barrier if you use AHAs or tretanoin. Leaves skin feeling fresh and smooth

Posted on 22-12-31 Recommend

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