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Star4 qty Op
Sak...@ I like this one very much, very light weight and not loaded with a lot of ingredients that my sensitive acne prone skin can't handle, instead it is so gentle and Nourishing tho to much moisture so I can't use it with a lot of things, still really plumbed my skin

Posted on 24-12-18 Recommend
Star5 qty Toner

I like very moisturizing28723b520bee12dfcc5c3899661b1f8c_1734431 

Posted on 24-12-17 Recommend
Star3 qty Toner
Van...@ I really liked this toner but I didn’t see much change on my skin. My skin did feel a bit more hydrated though after finishing the bottle.
Posted on 24-12-03 Recommend
Star5 qty Iloved
man...@ It is excellent to use, tightly sealed, and has no smell. I recommend buying it. It is very, very excellent for the skin.

Posted on 24-11-29 Recommend
Star5 qty واو
nuh...@ افضل تونر حلييييب طبعاً فيه نوعين انا اخذت الخفيف مناسب لبشرتي المختلطة
Posted on 24-11-29 Recommend

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