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Star5 qty Worth the hype and trend
Ton...@ OMG just can’t believed my eye when I first try it. Texture really smooth, no color change for the whole day (I use makeup spray for extra) I thought 29N might be dark on me but it actually nottttttt really fit

Posted on 24-08-25 Recommend
Star5 qty Best thing ever
asm...@ Best thing ever
Posted on 24-08-24 Recommend
Star5 qty El mejor
ish...@ A mi me encanto, como ya uso cushions fue facil saber mi tono, tiene una cobertura espectacular, deja un acabado medio glowy pero sin sentirse pesado, es precioso

Posted on 24-08-24 Recommend
Star5 qty good
van...@ so good on the skin this cushion foundation is very lightweight and give nice health glow

Posted on 24-08-24 Recommend
Star4 qty Good
ppi...@ I noticed upon using this that its less cakey and dry than other foundations i have used it is pretty good actually, howeverrr the shade I picked is slightly off so might try another shade.
Posted on 24-08-24 Recommend

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