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Star3 qty okay Okay
kal...@ I used it for three days but haven't see anything doing it to my body but it taste good
Posted on 25-02-28 Recommend
Star5 qty ال
12c...@ من افضل المنتجات للمعدة وتنظيف الكولون

Posted on 25-02-13 Recommend
Star4 qty 4 stars
Mhs...@ Not going lie, definitely worked for the gut, I’m the type of girl that have gut issues. But the only thing, that it doesn’t taste good, ngl. Just a head up
Posted on 25-02-06 Recommend
Star5 qty قط
12c...@ جيد للمعدة والكبد والكلى والكبد والكلى والكبد والكلى والكبد والكلى والكبد والكلى والكبد والكلى والكبد والكلى والكبد والكلى
Posted on 25-01-21 Recommend
Star3 qty Bueno
ana...@ No tengo fotos por que si me lo tomé los 3 días , si sentí que aceleró mi metabolismo
Posted on 24-11-26 Recommend

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