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Star5 qty Perfecto
Mil...@ Se siente la diferencia desde las primeras aplicaciones, es una innovación que cambia radical mi piel

Posted on 24-08-03 Recommend
Star5 qty Good!
tat...@ This is one of the best foundations I ever used, when I tried this product, I discovered that all my foundation aren’t my shade, this foundation matches me so well you can’t even tell I’m wearing it
Posted on 24-08-03 Recommend
Star2 qty ما ناسبني
kho...@ شكله النهائي مو حلو ع البشرة الدرجة اللي بعطيها الفلتر افتح من البشرة العادية

Posted on 24-07-21 Recommend
Star5 qty Mini Red cushuon Tir Tir
far...@ Este cushuon es fantástico cubre imperfecciones, elimina el brillo pero la piel queda glow, dura todo el dia

Posted on 24-07-20 Recommend
Star5 qty Perfect travel size
zye...@ Amazing coverage and it doesn't flake. Lasted all day
Posted on 24-07-17 Recommend

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