Best |
ing...@ |
I really really really love these product so so much!!! Absolutely amazing! Obsessed!
Posted on 25-03-18
First try |
sre...@ |
Wanting to try VT products for so long, now I get them. After using for a few weeks I can see my face getting better
Posted on 25-03-18
ندمت اني اشتريتها لانه قالو 700 كثير على وجه |
h5w...@ |
ندمت اني اشتريتها لانه قالو 700 كثير على وجه بعد ما اشتريتها و بحثت على الانترنت
Posted on 25-03-17
VT cosmetic Box |
niv...@ |
Please make that Kind of box more & more, I really enjoy to having it
Posted on 25-03-17
Best |
tan...@ |
I really really really love these product so so much!!! Absolutely amazing! Obsessed!
Posted on 25-03-17