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Star4 qty Great Product!
fah...@ This is a great product for those with dry skin, as you can reapply thoughout the day. While at work, when my skin feels dry, I reapply to bring bring some moisture back. You do use it up quickly.
Posted on 23-12-13 Recommend
Star5 qty goood product to try, love it.
blo...@ goood product to try, love it.
Posted on 24-01-26 Recommend
Star5 qty i bought it and have try. it's good product. like …
buy...@ i bought it and have try. it's good product. like it
Posted on 24-01-26 Recommend
Star4 qty Nice and soothing
jen...@ Very nice formula. Smooth and applied well. Feels very thick on the skin which is great considering I have extremely dry skin. Not much of a smell to it either. Great to carry in my bag and reapply throughout the day to dry areas.

Posted on 24-11-30 Recommend
Star4 qty Eh
emm...@ There are other choices you could do better with just an aquaphor stick
Posted on 24-07-13 Recommend

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