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Star5 qty Illiyoon
sea...@ This cream make my skin barrier become better than before
Posted on 23-10-05 Recommend
Star5 qty HG moisturizer!
cat...@ I love this moisturizer. Forget CeraVe, this is formulated with patented ceramide technology. It feels so soothing and keeps my skin barrier healthy! It's not greasy-looking and dries down to a matte, silky finish on my skin. I do layer it with another lotion underneath to stay moisturized enough though. There are also ceramide beads that get released as you rub the cream into your skin, but they're not rough or hard to rub in. It might not be enough as a moisturizer alone for very dry skin as it mainly functions as an occlusive barrier and not for hydration. However I still really enjoy this, and the price is so worth the enormous tube you get, especially with StyleKorean's frequent sales. I got this HUGE 200ml tube for just $13 while it was on sale. Just wonderful!

Posted on 23-09-16 Recommend
Star5 qty Illiyoon cream
Ree...@ My favorite moisturizer it’s very good

Posted on 24-02-02 Recommend
Star5 qty ممتاز
dae...@ حيل حلوو حق الي يسوون تقشير للبشره الحساسه قريت انه في ناس طلعلهم حبوب بس انا ما طلعلي و ناسبني نوع بشرتي جافه حييل حلو و الكميه كبييييره
Posted on 24-02-08 Recommend
Star5 qty very good

very hydrating I like it 

Posted on 24-04-03 Recommend

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