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Star5 qty Cleanser
biv...@ Great product would buy again!
Posted on 25-02-08 Recommend
Star5 qty My fave cleanser all in 1
gwi...@ I've been using this for almost a month, but even after just four uses, the results are already amazing! I even often use it as a wash-off mask because it really makes my skin super soft, and my blackheads have reduced!
Posted on 25-02-18 Recommend
Star3 qty It’s ok
c.c...@ The color is slightly different from advertised but it’s an ok cleanser

Posted on 25-02-16 Recommend
Star5 qty Best cleaner!!
jgv...@ I like it. It has double cleansing and also good for removing blackheads and pores.

Posted on 25-02-09 Recommend
Star4 qty هذي ثاني مره اطلبه
jin...@ عجييييب ينظف البشره و يطلع كل الاوصاخ

Posted on 25-02-21 Recommend

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