- #Vivid & Long Lasting
The color that is clearly tinted and highly pigmented will stay on your lips all day long.
- Find Your Perfect Red Shade
Varying from cool-toned reds to warm-toned reds!
Find your life changing shade of red that is perfect for your lips & makeup!
- Fresh Fruit Extracts for Moisture-Full Lips
Pomegranate and soapberry extracts that are rich in mineral & vitamin deliver juicy, fruity & moisturized finish to your lips.
<9 colors>
#BR401 - Fig Red
#OR201 - Kumquat Red
#OR203 - Grapefruit Red
#PK002 - Plum Red
#PK003 - Sweet Potato Red
#RD301 - Real Red
#RD302 - Dracula Red