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  [SKINCARE] Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint Pack (6 Different Shades) Review
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2015-11-17 16:07:33     View : 14385    

For the longest time, I was dead from asian beauty/makeup/cosmetics news.

  Basically, I was completely disconnected from ANYTHING. I was a caveman. 

But even within the underdepths of my caveman rock, I HEARD ABOUT THIS!!!  The hype about the Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint Pack were unreal.  So many of my friends came back from Korea this summer raving about them.

  "Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint Pack! PEEL OFF YOUR LIPS!!!" and interesting, all-caps statements like that. 

 So many people were talking about this. Youtubers, GetItBeauty and my friends. 


 The set was provided to me for review by

Description and Packaging


  Yeah, you might be asking, "what is this??????"

The Berissom OOPS! My Lip Tint packs are basically a "lip tattoo". Each colour comes in a 15g tube.


1. You apply the product directly on your lips. 

2. Wait 10 minutes. 

3. Peel it off.

4. You now have a tinted lip that will last FOREVER. 

(i.e., 12 hours.)



There are currently a total of 9 colours.

 The set comes with 6. 

 The Berrisom OOPS! My Lip Tint Pack (OMLTP) has gotten so popular. Berrisom (the company) actually patented the product. 

   Meaning #1: Berrisom is the only company to produce this product. 

   Meaning #2: Don't make unauthorized copies of this product. Or u go 2 jail. 


This product was featured in multiple magazines, the #1 bestseller in stores (Eg. Olive Young, and NS Home Shopping) and recommended by Korean star celebrity makeup artists.


Clinical tests were apparently run, and the results as below :


 1. Lasts for 12 hours 

 2. Exfoliating - improved keratin 

 3. Moisturizing - raised moisture levels for lips


Colours of Berrisom


   Just to let you know, the lip packs are sold separately as well. 

However, it's usually a better deal to buy the set (if you want more than 1, etc.)


 (From left to right)

#1 - Virgin Red

#2 - Vivid Scarlet

#3 - Lovely Peach

#4 - Pure Pink

#5 - Bubble Pink

#6 - Sexy Red


From what I've heard and seen in numerous different shops, "sexy red" is one of the most popular colours.


Swatches and tips (for application)


    It took forever swatching these Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint Pack (lip swatches) because I literally needed 1 day at a time to use 1 colour!  When they call it a "lip tattoo", they really mean lip tattoo. The colour will not budge without some next level power.

   Okay, so it was really difficult applying these. Especially the first time, with the first colour "Virgin red".

It feels a little tingly when you put it on. I have no idea why.  And no (if you have relatively smooth lips), it doesn't hurt peeling the tint off. 




(From left to right)


#1 - Virgin Red

#2 - Vivid Scarlet

#3 - Lovely Peach

#4 - Pure Pink

#5 - Bubble Pink

#6 - Sexy Red




LP (Lovely Peach) makes me look sickly... Definitely recommended to use a lip balm regularly - LOOK AT "LP", "PP" and "BP"!!!!! DISGUSTING, I SAY. (My lips, not the colour.)

I look drier than the dead skin of a shedding rattlesnake.


My top 3 tips for a smooth application?

  1. Have smooth lips (Don't be chapped. Really.)

  2. Do not overuse! (Put on a thin layer. Not too thin that you can't peel it off properly, but not too much. If you overuse, i'lll lengthen the dry-time by FOREVER.)

  3. Use it directly from the applicator. (No, don't use a Q-tip. The threads of the Q-tip will...make it...messier. I tried... sob.)

 fter 10 minutes... tada! Clearly messy on the bottom... and top... but yeah.


Peeled off from the lips

Overall thoughts?


    If you like bright lips with an insane staying power, you really need to try these! Definitely.Each tube  has 15g of product.  Some stores claim that a tube lasts for "20 applications", but... nah... to be honest, I'd be surprised if it got 10.  I really enjoyed trying out the Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint Packs, and will repurchase the colour "pure pink" and "sexy red". Personally, I liked the colours a lot more after they had slightly faded, leaving a soft, pretty tint.


Sexy red!!!!!!!~ ohlala


 My biggest tips:


Seriously ----- if you get your hands on 1 (or more), and want to wear it in public... try it the night before at home, first.  These aren't like usual liptints/sticks.

 "Oh, ewwwww, I don't like the colour on me"

-wipe wipe-



No. It doesn't work that like here, girl!!!!!!


If you put it on (assuming you did it correctly), the colour will legit LAST. Trust me on that. The worst thing is to YOLO-put-on-a-random-colour before work.

 I put on the "Vivid Scarlet" before my NEW JOB, ok? LOOOOOOOOL. 

I'm sorry, but LOL.

Orange-red does not look good on me. No matter what I do. I can't. Not even. No. 

I was so embarrassed for the rest of the day, I just walked around like this.


Price comparison: - $25.26 USD - $32 USD (BB cosmetic) - $30 : $17.99


Pros of berrisom

(If used correctly: smooth lips beforehand, proper application, no overuse, etc.)

- Insane lasting power (12 hours)

- Vivid colours

- Exfoliates lips

- Moisturizes lips

- Easy to wear (no transfer, no replication)

- Weightless, doesn't feel like you have anything on (obviously)

- 9 different shades to choose from (If purchased individually)

Cons of berrisom


- Difficult to apply at first (but you'll get used to it!)

- Not recommended for "quick make up" routines; takes time

- Weird scent for some of the colours ("Vivid Scarlet" smelt like blood...)

Rating :



I personally couldn't find any points to take off. (Guys, it's advertised as a "lip tattoo" lol. I can't exactly knock points off for "being too hard to take off" lol. Also, I'm pretty sure Berrisom Oops! My Lip Tint Pack actually has its own "remover" that effectively takes off this product!) If you're looking for a long lasting lip colour product, you absolutely need to get this.

There's a reason why everyone's talking about it!!! It's weird and fun and cool!




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