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![]() ricannecornelio@gmail.com's commentric...@gmail.com![]() Applied ❤️ emmbraza@gmail.com's commentemm...@gmail.com![]() Fingers crossed!!! Really wanna try ths veronicatabuzo10@gmail.com's commentver...@gmail.com![]() omg!!! badly wanna try this, hoping to be pick maeglumague@gmail.com's commentmae...@gmail.com![]() Yay! This look interesting. Applied and hoping to be selected. dailyskincarewithh@gmail.com's commentdai...@gmail.com![]() I'm Tso excited for this event. The new pimples patches look so gorgeous. I'm sure they will be as effective as the other one, good luck everyone skincarefair17@gmail.com's commentski...@gmail.com![]() Applied! khasanahroza@gmail.com's commentkha...@gmail.com![]() Applied yeaaay moellychintia@gmail.com's commentmoe...@gmail.com![]() Applied! maryallysa.santos@gmail.com's commentmar...@gmail.com![]() Applied! So excited for this release, really want to try it! ♡♡♡ farrisyamiza@gmail.com's commentfar...@gmail.com![]() applied!!hopefully get chosen andeeperalta13@gmail.com's commentand...@gmail.com![]() I’ve been taking care of my skin but been neglecting my lips! This new release by Cosrx is a reminder that my lips need as much attention as my skin! Hoping to try these as it would by the perfect lip care set for me! ❣️❣️❣️ Istiananasbung@gmail.com's commentIst...@gmail.com![]() very excited to try COSRX products vasilina.malyuta@gmail.com's commentvas...@gmail.com![]() Applied Emily.swinamer@hotmail.ca's commentEmi...@hotmail.ca![]() Applied!! I really want to try all of these from this set I hope you choose me to review these beautiful products!❤️ jayashridas123@gmail.com's commentjay...@gmail.com![]() Applied |