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  [SKINCARE] [Skinfood] Salmon eye brightening serum + Giveaway Winners Review
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2016-01-15 14:35:04     View : 7054    

Here is a quick review about this Skinfood - Salmon eye brightening serum which I got from www.stylekorean.comwebsite. I'm one of those who might purchase the product because of the packaging and this one is one of those products. I love this packaging somehow and I of course noticed that it's a serum so why not to try?




So what this is suppose to do is to brighten up your around eye area. I wasn't sure what this mean but okay I think it's suppose to moisturize the skin around the eyes, reduce dark circles and redness. You are supposed to use the cream also for the best results of course but I didn't bother really.

What I really like about this product is that I think this is going to last for my lifetime because you don't need even a big drop because you only apply it around your eyes. The texture is really light so it's spreads all over! Even the amount on the second picture is too much!!
After washing face, apply the face mist and they recommend you to apply the Salmon cream first but since I don't have that one I skip that step and begin to apply this serum. So I gently tap pat tap pat it around my eyes and it will absorb quickly. I do this every morning before makeup and every evening before sleeping.

I guess the salmon in this products is suppose to brighten up the eye area because you know.. fish are shiny right hahaha~ no they actually said that the salmon ingredient brightens the skin :) 




+ pretty packaging
+ no strong scent
+ light texture
+ fast absorbing
+ affordable
+ you need to purchase this just once 
+ eye makeup stays longer


you can check this product from and decide to try this serum or the cream one ^_^ 






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